Thursday, 3 October 2013

Differences in Each Draft of Our Music Videos!

This post is dedicated to the differences with each of drafts we did for our music video. I will outline the main changes that we made because we felt they made our music video the best it can be.

First Draft

When filming our music video we had a very detailed storyboard to follow (courtesy of Rosy!) so we knew all the shots we wanted, but when we looked back at our footage, some of it hadn't worked out as we wanted it, especially the field shots as they were filmed at the end of the day and so the lighting wasn't great. We managed to find some other shots we had filmed to replace it, so instead of zooming in and out of Alice's eyes at the beginning and end, we zoom in on the pack of cards she is holding, and then she is just standing in the field on her own at the end, but we had to increase the brightness of these shots as there was very little lighting and she was barely visible. We also used slow motion shots of the band walking to their instruments at the beginning to give the band a bigger part in their video as it is supposed to be their music video, not Alice's. 
Throughout the video there are lots of shots of the band, and we added a flicker effect to make them stand out from the other shots, but when we got our feedback we found that our target audience didn't like this, as they thought it looked unprofessional, so we removed it and instead upped the contrast and brightness of these shots. 
Rosy was in charge of the editing when Alice is playing chess by herself, as she thought up this idea as she knew how to do it, so we were impressed when she showed us what she had done. I had filmed it, and so if I had filmed it wrong, ie. moved the tripod between shots, then it wouldn't have worked so effectively. 
We improvised a few shots on the day which I thought turned out well, for example, the shots of Alice stood in a field and rose petals falling on her in slow motion, and Alice laying down on the floor with rose petals surrounding her, and I like these because they show a softer side to the dark Alice we chose to portray. 

Second Draft

The second draft was completed on the same day as the first one after we had received feedback from our target audience, so we removed the flickering effect on the band and instead brightened them and upped the contrast. We also swapped a few clips around to make the video more dramatic and I think this was successful. 
We synced up some of the lyrics that weren't spot on, and finally we went through the whole video and checked for black clips where the clips weren't close enough, and when a simple cut wasn't very effective we used the crossfade transition to make it flow better, making it smoother to fit with the Alice in Wonderland theme.

Third Draft

At the end of the video we noticed that when we flickered between Alice on her own and then Alice with the Mad Hatter and Alice with the band, one shot of Alice showed her with lighter skin than the other, so we adjusted the colour balance to make her look the same in all the shots. 
We also added more crossfades as we felt it still didn't flow as well as it could, but we kept some fade to black shots when going from Wonderland to the real world, in an attempt to differentiate between the two worlds. 
There was a shot of the teaparty which we felt went on a bit too long, so we added a close up shot of some teacups to fit with the tea party setting but to have a variety of shots, making it more interesting to watch. 
We received some quite specific feedback concerning the band because some people felt that the band weren't dramatic enough, so we swapped some shots around and made the band look more dramatic and energetic, with slow motion clips of the singer singing and close ups of the band playing their instruments at the correct times. 

Final Draft

In our final draft we made very slight changes, so we just adjusted the saturation on a few images, and then when there is a shot of Alice throwing the powder paint and spinning we zoomed in on it a bit so that she was framed a little better. We are very happy with this draft.

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